CXXVIII. EEICmE.^. 515 Heath. Stamen with anther-cells appendiculate at the base (mag,). Heath, (.Ei-ica cinerea.) Heath. , Flower cut vertically (mag,). Heath. Pistil and andrcecium with tl;e corolla removed (mag.), Heathi Transverse section of ovary (mag,), Heath. Seed cut vertically Heath. (mag.). Pistil (mag.) them, not adhering to the corolla, and inserted like it on the disk, or scarcely adherent to its base; filaments free, sometimes more or less monadelphous (Lageno- carpus, Philippia); anthers dorsi- or basi-fixed, variously appendaged or not; cells 2, hard, dry, separate at -the base or top, opening by terminal or lateral more or less oblique pores which are sometimes prolonged into 2 longitudinal slits (Loiseleuria, Leiophyllum). Ovary free, surrounded by a disk at its base, of several many-ovuled cells, rarely few-ovuled (Galluna) or 1-ovuled (Arctostaphylos) ; style simple; stigma capitate, peltate or cyathiform ; ovules anatropous. Fruit a capsule berry or drupe. Seeds inserted on central placentas, small, numerous ; testa very adherent and dotted, or loose reticulate and arilliform. Embryo straight, cylindric, in tbe axis of a fleshy albumen; cotyledons short; radicle opposite the hilum. Tribe I, Arbute^,—Corolla deciduous. Fruit a berry or drupe,—Evergreen shrubs. PRINCIPAL GENERA. Pemettia. * Arbutus. Arctostaphylos. Tribe II. Andromede.